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IB Extended Essay是什么意思,Extended Essay怎么写

IB Extended Essay是什么意思?其实IB Extended Essay就是IB拓展论文的意思,留学生们一般也将其称为EE,对于国际文凭课程有着重要的影响,一般有着中文与英文之分,不少的同学对于中文很多信心,但却苦于学校里没有专业的中文老师,只能够选择其他科目来写EE,或者是寻找一些辅导机构来指导EE的写作,那么Extended Essay该怎么写,真的有想象中那么难吗?有没像EE这类的英文论文写作技巧或范文可以借鉴呢,下面让我们一起来看看吧。

英文论文写作技巧,extended essay是什么,extended essay辅导,extended essay怎么写,extended essay

下面我们来讲讲EE写作的一些具体内容,我们将从一个实例给大家讲讲Extended Essay应该注意些什么:

Personal IB Extended Essay Topics

Comparing Japanese and Chinese junior high school history textbooks

Investigating into the interaction between the current and repulsive force

Motivations of the conspirators in the bomb plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944

The relationship between types of soil and grape vines: Yield and quality of their wine

Get Inspired by Successful IB Extended Essay Examples

Abide by the IB Extended Essay Guidelines

Choosing a topic of personal interest is of utmost importance when writing the essay. Deciding exactly which research question to investigate within a broad subject, developing an argument that supports your thesis, and articulating it well, all comes much easier if you are truly interested in the topic. The IB extended essay topics may be in a number of subjects including Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, English, Geography, History, Information technology in a global society, and many more. Examples of specific IB extended essay topics that have been used in the past within those categories include:

These are only a few of a plethora of previously used topics available on the web. BookwormLab.com is the best source for IB extended essay examples and can be written specifically for you, in your subject area, or even on the topic that you’ve chosen. Looking at successful essays is a good way to get a grasp of the expected structure and tone. Reading, or at least skimming, as many examples as possible might open your eyes to topics you had never considered, interesting ways to approach topics, or even research resources you hadn’t thought of.

Once you have a topic, you are almost ready to begin. Before writing down even one word, however, it is critical to review the IB extended essay guidelines. As with any work or school-generated assignment, following the directions is half the battle. Useful tips and hints and the extended essay standards are available from the International Baccalaureate Organisation. Subject-specific guidelines should be obtained and adhered to as well. Losing points for a careless mistake is not worth it—patiently familiarize yourself with all of the IB extended essay guidelines, and only then, get to work. Related readings: know how to write an essay paper, narrative essay writing and compare and contrast essay paper writing assistance.

The right headspace: IB Extended Essay Psychology

IB extended essay psychology, or mindset, is also important for success. A 4,000-word, self-directed, independently researched essay is a daunting task, but the most important thing is not to stress out. Remember that thousands of students have done this before you and thousands will do it after you. You are being assigned this task because you have the training to allow you to be capable of succeeding at it. And of course, should you get stuck at any point, Bonrun experts are only a click away. IB extended essay psychology is about confidence and diligence. Plan carefully so that you do not run up against the deadline, take a deep breath, and go!

IB简介:IB课程全称为国际预科证书课程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,简称IB课程),是由国际文凭组织为高中生设计的为期两年的课程。


英国几乎所有大学都接受IB文凭。牛津、剑桥等世界一流大学也都很欢迎IB学生申请入学。伦敦大学附设医学院的最低录取分仅需32分,高达百分之四十的IB 考生放榜成绩达到32分以上。


通过对于这篇Extended Essay范例的解析后,各位小伙伴们是否也从中学习到了该如何写作IB Extended Essay呢?只要学好的IB EE的写作便能够为我们日后申请牛津、剑桥等世界著名的高等学府打好基础,不仅仅是在英国,甚至连美国、加拿大等国家的大多数大学都欢迎IB文凭的学生申请入学,并给予一定的优先录取资格。


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