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留学生Essay plane作业怎么写,美国大学作业Essay plane怎么写

留学生常说的Essay plan是什么?相信大家都知道plan就是指计划的意思,而Essay plan就是论文计划,简单点来说就是我们论文作业的写作方向,一个好的论文计划能够为写作指明防线,那么我作为美国留学生的我们Essay plane作业要怎么写呢?写作中都需要注意什么,今天就让经验丰富的Essay9来辅导各位如何写作美国大学作业Essay plane要怎么写吧。

英文论文写作技巧,essay plan,美国作业代写,论文计划书怎么写,essay plan怎么写

那么Essay plan应该怎么写?Essay plan格式又是什么?该注意哪些问题呢?今天就让我来给大家讲讲。

ir students to write an essay plan prior to the submission of the main essay itself, in order to gauge their preliminary comprehension of the assigned topic by showing what points they intend to prove or discuss, and what methodology or approach will they use to write it. An essay plan is an anticipatory commitment to do the essay in a particular manner.

All students need to know how to write an essay plan in order to make any essay writing task easier to take on. Preparing an essay plan prior to sitting down and working on an essay is one of the best things any student faced with such a task can do.

美国留学生Essay plane作业怎么写:How to use the mapping method to finish writing

the approach to answering the essay question

the possible answers to the essay question

the sources for information

美国留学生Essay plane作业怎么写:Many students approach an essay writing task in the following manner

understanding the question;

doing the research;

and writing the essay.

This approach is not necessarily incorrect; however, students can always do better. They can plan out the essay - a step that makes all else involved in the process easier to undertake.

The planning stage should be done after getting a good understanding of the question. Students need to determine how to tackle the essay before performing the research. This approach helps in such a way that students will already get a preliminary idea as to what will be included in the essay and what form the essay will take. Knowing such information helps narrow down research sources and allows students to save time and effort in conducting the research.

美国留学生Essay plane作业怎么写::Here are the guidelines on how to write an essay plan

Analyse. Have a thorough understanding of the essay question. This helps you determine what type of essay you need to write. Go through the instructions carefully and note down exactly what your professor wants you to do. Does the professor want you to discuss a certain topic or compare and contrast ideas?

Strategise. Planning an approach to the essay writing task is important. Do you want to simply sit down and write to see what ideas develop or do you want to brainstorm first, filter through the ideas and then start with the draught? How you approach the task depends on your preference and what works best for you.

Brainstorm for ideas. You now have a fairly good idea as to the possible answer to the essay question. Now, you will need to come up with arguments or points you want to include in your essay. Jot down any ideas that you can come up with however seemingly insignificant they may appear to be on first consideration. You will have the chance to go through all your ideas much later on to filter out what is relevant to your essay.

Plan. Get your ideas down on paper. Go through them as much as you can; outlining helps a lot. You can write down all the important arguments that need to be included and you can move and shuffle them around until you find an ideal structure that best presents the information

Once you have your plan in order, you can then move on to doing the research for your topic. Having an idea as to how you intend to answer the essay question lets you narrow down on your research materials. You can be very specific on the information you need, thereby saving time and effort. From here, you simply need to follow the outline and write the essay.

美国留学生Essay plane作业怎么写:essay plan格式详解

一般来说,一篇完整的essay plan依然是由:Introduction、Main body、Conclusion三部分组成。


The introduction must be brief, without quotations, and will include your thesis statement, i.e. your response to the question; a brief outline of the methodology you intend to employ; and an overview of the works you intend to centre on. You should close with a ‘hooking sentence’ which links to the opening paragraph of the main body of your essay. These linking sentences should be provided throughout to give cohesion to your essay.

Main Body

The main body of the essay should be structured with each paragraph being separate (but linked to the overall theme) and have your argument developing throughout. In other words, each paragraph should focus on a different aspect of the topic under discussion but should also always be clearly identifiable as connected to the essay question. This can be quite difficult, especially if you find one particular aspect of a question particularly interesting. You may be tempted to stray from the main argument but it is important to stay focused, as you will be penalised if your argument is not always seen to be relevant to the question. Careful planning can help with this as you can ensure that when you make your essay plan, you are certain that each paragraph topic is linked directly to the question.

In the main body of the essay you need to use evidence to support the points your make and each quotation you use must be properly referenced. Quotations can often lead to further points through analysis as well as supporting those you have already made. For this reason, it is useful to assign quotations that are to be used in evidence to a particular paragraph at the planning stage as this will help you to organise your research as well as ensuring that each point has sufficient evidentiary support. Even if you only take ideas, rather than direct quotes from texts, you need to reference them because otherwise you might be accused of plagiarism. Plagiarism is something which you must avoid at all costs as it is a serious problem and, even if done accidentally, if it's detected your school, college or university will take a very dim view of it. Again, careful planning and notation of sources will prevent the possibility of this. Remember that the main body of the essay is building towards a conclusion, so make your plan reflect this.


The conclusion of your essay must be as carefully planned as the rest of your essay. It is a common error to believe that the conclusion is simply a ‘tagged on’ repetition of your introduction but, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The conclusion should be a summation of your thinking in the essay plus a synthesis of your thoughts. In other words, it should leave the reader with a clear idea of what you have argued throughout, how well you believe you have accomplished it, and what possible future areas of study might be carried out. At the planning stage, the conclusion might be constructed as a series of notes taken from each paragraph stating briefly what was achieved in each. Future research suggestions are important because you need to indicate to your reader that you have recognised the limitations of the scope of the present work and are interested enough to see where the topic might be developed. If you plan this carefully you will see that the conclusion has a key role to play in the writing of a well-structured essay.

美国留学生Essay plane作业怎么写:那么essay plan和essay outline有什么区别呢?

outline 是提纲,是整理出来的内容提要,准备写些什么内容;而essay不是拍脑袋写出来的,需要一定程度 research,咨询导师,查阅资料等等。所以plan在前,老师已经告诉了的话,就把这些写论文前前后后的步骤规划都书面化,写成一个文档。plan出来才会开始琢磨outline。一般老师都会发格式的吧,可能是分期交的,每个星期都有.

通过上述对于美国大学留学生作业Essay plane怎么写的相关指导后,各位小伙伴们是否都明白了Essay plan该如何去写与应该使用的格式问题了把,论文写作的规划能够让我们的写作变得更加的顺利,能够及早的想好写作的方式与结构,因此我们的论文计划必须要规划的比较详细,才能够将论文作业的中心观点清楚的向读者表达出来。


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