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留学生Academic Essay作业怎么写,Academic Essay写作格式辅导

其实在国外留学的我们每当遇到导师布置Academic Essay(学术论文)时心情都是比较复杂的,虽说能够锻炼自己的论文写作能力,向导师展示出自己的学术研究水平与能力,但是学术论文的写作相对而言会比较的严谨,需要遵循相应的essay写作格式,学会Academic Essay写作的结构,那么面对留学生的Academic Essay作业我们要怎么写呢?又应该遵循着什么样的写作格式呢?下面让我们一起来看看吧。

Academic Essay结构,Academic Essay,essay代写,留学生作业代写,学术论文格式

These academic essays tend to be complex in order to test the academic capability of students.When writing this kind of essay in college, you are supposed to follow a certain format that is accepted by your college and your lecturer. This format includes guidelines and rules to follow when formatting your essay. The following are the recommendable guidelines when formatting academic college essay.

Research - Research about your topic of discussion from different academic sources. It can be from the Internet, academic databases or the library.

Analysis - analyze the argument of the information you have researched pointing out the claims, reasons and evidence.

Brainstorming - An academic essay will require your own insights and genuine essay-writing brilliance. You can ask yourself questions and find answers for them.

Thesis statement - In your thesis, choose the best idea that you can write about comfortably and clearly because the thesis is the main point of your essay. In its concise sentences, it should be able to tell the reader what you are writing about and the reasons for it. A clear thesis will enable you to write a good essay.

Essay outline - Make the sketch of your essay before you begin writing it out. Try to use one-line sentences when describing the paragraphs. Bullet points are good when describing the content of each paragraph. Structure your arguments well and unify your paragraphs.

Introduction - Your introduction should capture the attention of the reader, set up the issue and connect it to your thesis statement. Make your first paragraph interesting since it is the important element of your essay plus the title.

The body - Each paragraph within your body should focus on single idea that supports your thesis statement.

Conclusion - Finish your essay with a quick wrap-up sentence summarizing the entire essay. End it with some memorable thought, which could be a quotation or an interesting twist of logic.

Referencing style - Your essay should be formatted according to the correct guidelines and rules. Cite all the information you included in the body of your text. Include a list of references and bibliography in other pages showing the details of your sources. This will depend on the style used.

Proofreading - Make sure you use correct language, grammar and the sentences are flowing properly.

Remember to include the cover page and good title for your essay.

看完了以上关于Academic Essay写作格式的辅导后,各位在遇到类似的留学生作业时应该不会在迷茫于该怎么写和遵循什么essay写作格式了把,虽然学术论文写作起来会有些复杂,但是在掌握和熟悉了写作的格式和技巧后,在加上不断积累的写作经验,相信Academic Essay的写作对于我们来说也并不是一件难事了。-xz

上一篇: Research Report怎么写,Research Report写作格式讲解 下一篇:Essay Introduction怎么写,Essay Introduction写作技巧辅导