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论文怎么重投,奉上COVER LETTER范文一篇--Essay9论文代写网精选

论文怎么重投,当写好的SCI论文被退回,心中无限的惆怅,此时应重振旗鼓,写一篇COVER LETTER并修改论文稿件的不足之处,而不是陷入苦苦思量的心境中。下面Essay9论文代写网教你如何写一篇出色的投稿信,以下是一篇模板。

To: XXX Journal
xxxxx, MD, PhD; Editor-in-Chief
Re: Revised Manuscript: NO.XXXX “TITLE XXXXXXXXXXX”
Dear Editor(s),
Thank you for your careful review our manuscript. Per your recommendation, we have addressed all
reviewer concerns and comments, and are pleased to provide our revised manuscript entitled “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” for
publication in xxxx Journal.
To reiterate, the current manuscript describes for the first time XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. We believe this body of molecular and translational work to be of particular interest to the readers of xxx Journal.
All authors of this research paper have directly participated in the planning, execution, or analysis of the
study. All authors of this paper have read and approved the final version submitted. The contents of this
manuscript have not been copyrighted or published previously. The contents of this manuscript are not under
consideration for publication elsewhere. The contents of this manuscript will not be copyrighted, submitted, or
published elsewhere while acceptance by the manuscript is under consideration. There are no directly related
manuscripts or abstracts, published or unpublished, by any author(s) of this paper.
We thank you for your timely consideration of this manuscript.


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