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Overweight Obesity Cholesterol


A Growing Problem

Can you believe that more than fifty percent of the American population is overweight? Chiropractic and Medical Doctor, Wayne Hodges stated in a personal interview (June 15, 2006) that, “Sixty six percent, or two thirds, of the population are overweight.” There are thousands of books, internet sites, magazines, and clinics that cater to individuals desiring to lose weight. But one fact still haunts America; sixty six percent of the population is overweight. There are many reasons why people become obese. With obesity come many health problems. The age and gender of a person can affect his or her weight and health. A forty-five-year-old man can add pounds faster than a six-year-old kid just because of his age. Obesity is a growing problem in America that needs to be dealt with.

A study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (2002) from the period 1999-2002 found that 66 percent of Americans over 20 years old are either overweight or obese. Americans love to eat, but over eating any type of food with little or no physical movement is the main cause of the overweight or obesity. Television and video games have kept many Americans inside sitting down. These electronics have also helped contribute to the existence of the overweight population. The age and gender of a person can affect his or her weight and health. A forty-five-year-old man can add pounds faster than a six-year-old kid just because of his age. Stress can play a big role in eating too much. Food is something that can be in people's hands. Smokers smoke when they are under stress because it gives them something to do. In the same way, over eaters eat when they are under stress because it gives them something to do. Eating can be an addiction and pleasurable. But it can be controlled. Why should it be controlled? There are many health risks that can occur when one is overweight.

When a person is overweight, the heart must work over time to pump blood throughout the body. Since an overweight person is bigger than normal, the heart must work harder than normal. In the book The Cortisol Connection Diet written by Shawn Talbot (2004), he says, “Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gout (joint pain) and gallbladder disease can occur to overweight people. Breathing trouble during sleep can be a problem also. High blood pressure is the most common among the overweight” (2004). The movie The No-Nonsense Cholesterol Guide (1991) states, “Some cholesterol is good for your health, too much is deadly. Cholesterol can cling to the walls of arteries and can clog them. This leads to heart attacks.” The higher the cholesterol, the higher the chance one can have a heart attack. There are, thankfully, many ways to lose the weight needed to elude the health risks that involve being overweight.

“They have to change how they think, eat, drink and how they move. It is on that person if they wish to look and feel great” (Hodges, Personal communication, June 15, 2006). Excuses are the biggest enemy toward living a better life. “Pain is a major excuse for not exercising. People will have to do what they need to do in order to get results” (Hodges, 2006). Losing weight is not going to come with the morning; it takes dedication and really hard work. When it comes down to it, people tend to give up and doubt themselves. When these thoughts appear in ones mind that's when one has to work the hardest.

Shedding just ten percent of the body weight can increase one's health dramatically. According to an article in USA Today by Kathleen Dohney (2004) called “How to be a successful ‘loser',” she says “People also need to maintain their weight loss. Researchers found that consistency — paying attention to food consumption seven days a week, not just five — pays off in better weight maintenance.” But there still is a tough time keeping off the weight. “As anyone who's tried to shed weight and keep it off knows, losing is the easy part. Maintaining the loss is difficult. Only about 60% of the weight lost during treatment in clinic-based programs is maintained at one year, Gorin says, and nearly all weight is regained within three years” (Dohney, 2004). “You are what you eat is probably the best saying for all the steps in losing weight” (Overweight, 1996).

“There are three different categories for losing weight: do it yourself, non-clinical or commercial, or clinical programs.” (Overweight, 1996) The do it yourself people are the most popular but don't have the best results, and some turn into bad health habits. For instance, bulimic people develop because they do not believe they are losing enough weight, not eating and nourishing the body occurs and confidence drops. There are many Non- clinical or commercial programs, such as Jenny Craig, with personal trainers or weight loss group meetings. These groups come together, at their scheduled time, and step-by-step lose weight together. They use each other's encouragement to defeat their obesity problem. The extra boost of confidence can come from these assemblies. Some Clinical programs involve doctors and medical facilities however, “Clinics can become expensive and involve a lot of time” (Overweight, 1996). Dr. Wayne Hodges says, “I find one-on-one training is the best” (Personal communication, 2006). Even with all this help there still remains the problem that many people are still overweight. Today, more and more children become obese.

Childhood obesity is becoming more and more common among the American people. It is crucial to have full family support behind the child in order for best results. Remember, the child is made fun of at school and is in desperate need of family support. In a society that emphasizes thinness, the overweight are usually discriminated against and are announced as the lower class of society. This seems to have a bigger effect on children than on adults. These children are not out of luck and have a better chance at losing weight. They have more energy and are more willing to go outside to play a game that involves body movement and exercise. Children also do not have as much stress as the average adult. They do not have to worry about their job, family to care for, or even how they are going to pay for their next bill. All they have to worry about is getting up for school and to watch what they eat. This is a huge advantage for the children. When the obese lose weight, what happens next?

After one has lost weight it is important to keep the weight off. The movie Over Weight & Obesity made by Time Life Medical states, “Make time for exercise.” Constant exercise is needed to keep off the unwanted pounds. “Exercise burns calories and boosts one's metabolism” (Overweight, 1996). One does not have to pay for those expensive workout programs in order to get the exercise needed. A simple walk in the neighborhood, jog in the park, or playing catch with one's kids can supply the needed amount of exercise. As long as there are as much calories being burned as being taken in the mouth, one will be in good shape. Also individuals should remember that emotional control helps eating control. “When our emotions overwhelm us, we often turn to food to try to assuage them.” (Wurtman & Suffea, 1996, p. 4) Smaller portions of meals can help.

The obese just don't affect themselves although. Due to the rise in obesity the government is playing a higher role in America's fast food industry. Because of this the American people are becoming more and more limited to the foods they can and cannot have. This is not right for the American people just because of the mistakes of others. McDonalds no longer has the super size meals because of the obese becoming more and more often. This personally outrages me due to the fact I don't have the problem the obese do and they are affecting the way I get to eat. But despite that, I have to put aside my personal wants and look in the good of others.

There is no better feeling than the feeling that one has conquered the pounds lost. Looking and feeling great is a plus, but the greatest satisfaction should come from knowing one's health has dramatically benefited. After weight loss, it is important to keep goals for one self. Written goals are the best to have because it keeps a person aware of what they are trying to accomplish. In reality, losing weight is a lifetime commitment that needs constant attention. Can the obese eventually stop becoming a bigger and bigger problem? Is there hope for America to get out of this slump and people become healthier and healthier? There still is research and studies being done day after day and it will not stop until obesity is a less common occurrence.


Center for Disease Control National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved November 14, 2007 from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/06facts/obesity03_04.htm.

National Center for Heaith Statistics. (2002). Prevalence of overweight and obesity among adults: United States. 1999-2002. Retrieved November 14, 2007 from http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/producls/pubs/pubd/hestats/obese/obse99.

The No-Nonsense Cholesterol Guide. Videocassette. Wood Knapp Video, Inc. 1991.

Overweight & Obesity. Videocassette. Time Life Medical, Inc. 1996.

Talbott, Shawn. The Cortisol Connection Diet. Burkeley: Hunter House Inc., 2004

How to be a successful 'loser' Doheny, Kathleen. (March 5, 2004). USA Today. Retrieved November 20, 2007 from


Wurtman, Judith, & Suffes, Susan. (1996). The Serotonin Solution. Burkeley: Ballantine Books.

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