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- New Ways To Fund Our National Pa
New Ways To Fund Our National Parks
New Ways To Fund Our National Parks
Reading the article there were three ways they felt will bring them success to funding national parks. The Hill (2013) said, “Expand private donations from outside organizations and other friends of national parks, look at current uses of funding, and explore the structure of the recreational fee.”(p1) There are workers going out there to help keep the parks clean and making sure they are presentable at all times for people around the world. How do we manage to pay them and keep them working? Questions that are left unanswered.
Not only is it hard to fund a national park but imagine having to find a new way? There is a lot that come out of maintaining a national park and if we can get people to understand how much budgeting comes out of, there is a possibility they will jump on board. Personally, I understand how funding for a national park can help. Just recently my family paid a national park in order to through a small party. The process took about two weeks to go through and they had to get a permit from the city parks and recreation center. They had to pay a $300 deposit for a $125 fee just to use the park. I believe that my family helped the park funds by choosing to have the party at a park.
As said in Insight on the News (1998), “The agency has an $11.5 billion maintenance backlog well over four times its annual discretionary budget which suggest that its principal priority should be its current portfolio.” (p24) In order to help out with national park founding they need to find investors that are willing to take on the responsibility of providing donations to the parks. This will help with keeping consistent workers instead of having to seek voluntary work throughout the day.
We have maintenances come out and fix national parks but where is the founding for them going. There is a million dollars being spent and it coast to keeping adding land to these national parks and repairing any problems that come out of it. There needs to be a way to continue maintenance of these national parks do that money is not being wasted and everyone that puts their time into working are getting a fair share pay.
With some parks having a charge entrance fee and others don’t they need to find a balance so that it is equal. There is no way they can find a new funding plan for parks if not everyone is on board. If that is the case than they need to shut down unnecessary parks. Right now the national parks that are being funded by taxes are in crucial trouble. According to Insight on the News (1998), “The NPS says it needs around $5 billion to bring the entire park system up to snuff.”(p24) Many parks have low visitations and having a historical national park that has low visitations just ruin the purpose of it.
Insight on the News (1998) said, “If fees are higher, and if the parks that collect them rely on the fees as their major source of operating revenue, managers will have the means to improve the condition of the parks.”(p24) That being said they will have a consistent income coming in in order to keep the parks in a standard condition. Having someone keep tab of how the parks are being maintained and how the money is being spend for the parks is something that NPS believes needs to improve. People put a lot of time and effort to allow pedestrians to have their moment of time with nature and we can all agree, who doesn’t like to take a stroll in the park, especial the nearest park fee or not? Having a fee is for a good cause and I believe it should be added to ever Nation Park.
Many people might get frustrated with the idea of having to pay a fee just to be able to enter a national park. Not everyone has money to put into funding for a national park and they feel that a national park should always be open to the public. Again, not a lot of people can afford helping out the city with certain things so they are going to argue why there taxes are going to national parks if we have parks that are never being used or are not maintained. Not only are they trying to take money from taxes some states are reaching into peoples housing in order to pull money for these national parks.
If we cannot afford to have these parks than why not get rid of them and build something new? It seems as if people are willing to put more money into building homes so why not continue to provide more shelter for the huge population the US has. There are a lot of different investments that are being held all around the world and people with money are going to make investments towards the next big thing and not want to waist their time having to put money towards a national park. Coming up with a new fund for national parks should be shot down because we should have enough people in the world that will want to volunteer their time to maintain the nation parks. That is why they have the troubled kids do their community service hours cleaning national parks and places that they cannot afford to have a steady crew to keep track of these parks
Learning about the new way they would like to fund national parks was a very interesting topic chosen. I agree with the arguments both ways however, I stand more towards finding a better funding program. National Parks are there for a reason and not only do we need to think about the environment and how we can make one with this beautiful place God has created we are need to start thinking more about the animals. Animals that we rely on every day for food and protection at times.
I am very certain that if people make this an important message and share their ideas around the world there should be no reason why we cannot afford to through in a few extra cash here and there in order to have a reliable maintains group that will do out there and take care of these nationals parks as they should be taken care of. Even though I understand the whole fact that not everyone want to be working for national parks but, in the end it all comes out to a good cause and the whole nature part of life is a need. Who will we put in charge? No one knows yet, but we must find out and there is not much that can go wrong with investing to national parks. I would never have though that national parks were in danger if it wasn’t for this article and I am glad that I chose to write about it because to me national parks are an important part of life and it is a home for animals.
There are plenty of people in the world that are wanting to invest in something so why not put that used to a good cause and help find a new way to fund for out national parks. They are already starting out with three main ideas as mentioned in The Hill(2013), “expand private donations from outside organizations and other friends of national parks, look at current uses of funding, and explore the structure of the recreational fee.”(p1). We just need people to jump on board and help out. It would all be worth it in the end and we can all feel like we made a difference to the world.
We need new ways to fund our national parks. (n.d.). TheHill. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://thehill.com/opinion/op-ed/191961-we-need-new-ways-to-fund-our-national-parks
Auburn University Libraries | E-Journals. (n.d.). Auburn University Libraries | E-Journals. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from http://xt5bv6dq8y.search.serialssolutions.com/?genre=article&issn=10514880&title=Insight on the News&volume=14&issue=45&date=19981207&atitle=Q: Should national parks finance their operations through user fees?&spage=24&pages=24-27&sid=EBSCO:Academic Search Pre
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