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Effects of the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign on reducing food waste by students.


Title: Effects of the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign on reducing food waste by students.

Description: To find out what has the campaign done on education and promotion in order to encourage students to avoid and reduce their amount of food waste.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction 1.1Background and Literature Review


1.3Focus Questions

  1. Methodology
  1. Findings and Analysis
  1. Conclusion
  1. Reflection
  1. Bibliography

1. Introduction

1.1Background and Literature Review

This year, I signed the Food Wise Charter and committed to reduce food waste. After that, I am interested in the campaign and wonder that does the campaign make students to avoid and reduce their food waste.

In Hong Kong, the waste problem is getting worsen and the landfills will be totally full until 2020. Landfills are mainly used for municipal waste and there is about 13,844 tons waste received at landfills per day in 2012. For food waste, food that is already discarded or must be discarded. According to Environmental Protection Department, about 3,600 tons of food waste is generated in landfills per day. It is the major occupied of the municipal solid waste in Hong Kong and makes up about 2/5 quantity of solid waste. Therefore, the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign is lunched by the government and aims to encourage the entire community to reduce the food waste so as to prevent the waste problem getting worse and worse and the time of landfills being full can extend longer.

For students, the campaign has been done something to most of them. It wants to tell them there is three ways to reduce food waste. They are: avoid food waste, reduce food waste production and minimize food waste disposal and hope them to take action. For example, the schools are given some posters which cover the information of ‘Food Wise Hong Kong’ and suggest the schools to display them to promote reducing food waste. And the schools are organized some talks regularly by the Food Wise Hong Kong which are about reduction and hope to increase students’ awareness of reducing food waste. There are also many events are hold in the campaign. So, I would like to find out whether the campaign makes students to avoid and reduce their food waste.

1. http://www.foodwisehk.gov.hk/zh-hk/food-wise-charter.php#introduction

2. http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/msw/htm_tc/ch02/main.htm

1.2 Objectives

It aims to find out the effectiveness and the limitations of the campaign on reducing food waste by students through interview and questionnaire and give some improvements.

1.3 Focus Questions

  • On education and promotion, what has the campaign done?
  • To what extend does the campaign permeate into school life or student’s daily life?
  • Before the campaign, did the students realize or aware the food waste problem?
  • What do the students gain in the campaign?
  • Do the students’ behavior change or take action for reducing food waste?
  • What are the improvements in the campaign?

2. Methodology

2.1 Questionnaire

In this project, Quantitative method was adopted. The target interviewees are secondary students and come from the same school. There are 100 respondents for the questionnaire. For the 100 respondents, there are 50 respondents who knew about the campaign and 50 respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. Besides, the questionnaire is designed in form of multiple-choice and questions are set based on the focus questions to find out whether the campaign make students to avoid and reduce their food waste or not.

2.2 Interview

Interviewee is a teacher who is a female teacher who takes responsibility for the environmental protection. The interview aims to know more about students’ attitude and the level of students’ participation in the campaign.

2.3 Limitation

For the questionnaire, respondents might lose temper and think it is time-consuming to finish it as there are too many questions. So, all the questions are given multiple choices to answer. It helps respondents to finish it quickly and I could get enough data I need. Also, since only 100 responses were collected, the number of samples may not be large enough to make the result representative of all Hong Kong teenagers.

3. Findings and Analysis

4.1 General information of the questionnaire

I distributed the questionnaires from February to May. I have collected 100 responses. In those 100 respondents, there are 50 respondents who knew about the campaign and 50 respondents who didn't know about the campaign as I want to have a compare.

4.2 Details of the results

On Education and Promotion


For 50 respondents who knew the campaign, all of them knew the campaign by advertisement. There are 90% of respondents who knew it by poster. It shows that poster and advertisement are really good at promoting the campaign. Also, leaflet (76%) and the internet (74%) help student to know the campaign. But, the percentage of newspaper and Apps are low which are 18% and 5%.


For the activities, all of the respondents who knew the campaign participated before. All of them have joined the 'Sign the Food Wise Charter'. And there are 72% of respondents who joined the talks before. The percentage of respondents who participated exhibition and game stores before are 26% and 44% and they are low. It shows that the number of students who joined 'Sign the Food Wise Charter' and talks are more that the number of students who joined exhibition and game stores.

According to chart4.1 and chart4.2, they show that most of the students knew the campaign through reading poster, watching advertisement, joining 'Sing the Food Wise Charter' and the talks. Besides, those percentages of respondents are high (more than 70%). That means students can easily access to the campaign and the level of the campaign permeate into their daily life and school life is high and deep. So, the government can use more resource on setting poster, advertisement, 'Sign the Food Wise Charter' and talks to attract more and more students to join and know the campaign.

Students gained

In order to what students gained in the campaign for reducing food, I use the respondents who knew about the campaign to compare with the respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. And I believe that the respondents who didn’t know about the campaign just like the respondents who knew about the campaign. And the respondents who knew about the campaign can gain something and have better behavior for reducing the food waste.


Freire who was an educator said that if people want to change a thing or do a thing, they may aware of that thing. Therefore, I think if student want to avoid and reduce their amount of food waste, they need to realize and aware of the food waste problem in order to take action for reducing food waste first. And question 5 is set for testing respondents’ awareness on food waste problem.

Chart 4.3

(Group 1 represents respondents who knew about the campaign.

Group 2 represents respondents who didn’t know about the campaign.)

https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=lE9gBAAAQBAJ&pg=PP8&lpg=PP8&dq=教育學刊+educational+review+Vol.35&source=bl&ots=4ez7xtjk3C&sig=BmlRrgmovS_rV4SPaOM5Muk-ZCs&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ei=v7-TVbWBC4bImAXf6q_wCQ&ved=0CBsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=教育學刊 educational review Vol.35&f=false

% of answered correctly
























Table 4.1(according to Chart 4.3)

Table 4.1 clearly shows that percentages of the respondents who knew about the campaign and answered correctly are higher than the respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. That means respondents who knew about the campaign knew more about food waste problem and have a high sense of awareness on food waste problem than respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. So, the number of respondents who knew about the campaign and would take/ take action for reducing food waste is more than the number of respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. It also shows that the campaign is good for students to build up the awareness for the food waste problem in order to take action for reducing food waste.

Behavior changed:

Through their action, it can know how the students do for reducing and avoiding food waste directly after knowing the campaign in order to prove whether the campaign help on students to reduce food waste or not. And I use before knowing the campaign and after knowing the campaign to compare the respondents who knew about the campaign behavior changed. Plus, I use the respondents who didn’t know about the campaign to compare with the respondents who knew about the campaign to show how the campaign work for reducing food waste by students.


Table4.2 shows the average of respondents done for reducing food waste. If the mark closes to 5, it means student always does that thing. Conversely, if the mark closes to 1 or 0, it mean student seldom does that that thing.

According to Table4.2, for behavior of the respondents who are after knowing the campaign, the averages of (10.1) to (10.6) are higher than their behavior before knowing the campaign and the behavior of the respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. This shows that after knowing the campaign, respondents have changed their behavior for reducing food waste. Besides, the average of (10.4), (10.5) and (10.6) are remain high, this shows that students always do something for reducing and avoiding food waste as a habit. But the averages of (10.1) to (10.3) remain low and medium. I think it is because they are not popular, complicated and hard for students to do, especially carry out small-scale composting at home. Overall, I think they have improved a lot for reducing and avoiding food waste.

Eating habit for leftover:


(Group 1 represents respondents who knew about the campaign.

Group 2 represents respondents who didn’t know about the campaign.)

Chart4.4 shows that there are 68% of the respondents who knew about the campaign and 70% of the represents respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. It is important to know that how they treat the leftover.


(Group 1 represents respondents who knew about the campaign.

Group 2 represents respondents who didn’t know about the campaign.)

How respondents treat the leftover can also prove that whether they reduce or avoid food waste or not. Table4.3 shows that all the averages of the respondents who knew about the campaign are higher than Group 2 represents respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. This shows that more respondents who knew about the campaign have taken action and have higher sense for reducing food waste.


Knowledge can reflect the standard of respondents’ understanding on leftover. In the coming year, the government may carry out food waste recycling trial schemes at more districts or having more food waste recycling bin may offer and becomes general. So, some basic knowledge that people to know and understand in order to cater to the government polices for reducing food waste. And question 6 is set for testing the respondents to distinguish which items are belongs to Recyclable and Non-Recyclable. This can prove that how well they prepared to treat the food waste correctly and cooperatively.


(Group 1 represents respondents who knew about the campaign.

Group 2 represents respondents who didn’t know about the campaign.)

According to Chart4.5, the average of correct answer for the respondents who knew about the campaign is around in those 6 questions. For the respondents who didn’t know about the campaign, their average of correct answer is around 3 in those 6 questions. It shows that the respondents who knew about the campaign have better understanding on leftover than he respondents who didn’t know about the campaign. They can divide recycle and non- recycle in order to progress the following plan which is related to reduce food waste effectively.




Chart4.6 shows that there are 80% have shared what they knew or learnt from the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign to other people. This can let more and more people to know the campaign. It also shows that they encourage other people to join the campaign for reducing and avoiding food waste.


For promotion, since the Apps (咪嘥嘢) was launched in this year (on March), the number of respondents who know this are less. Nowadays, students often use their Smartphone every day. I think the government can have more promotion on the Apps and social networking website (e.g Facebook) in order to cater to students using Smartphone trend and attract more and more student to join the campaign.

Also, according to the interview, teacher said that 'Sign the Food Wise Charter' is the most successful activity held at school and students reaction to this event is ggod. So, I think the government can hold more activities like this.

4. Conclusion

From the research, what students' gained after the campaign can really show the effort of the campaign. Firstly, their sense of awareness to the environmental issue are high. If they have a higher sense of awareness, their probability of taking action or reducing and avoiding food waste will increase. Second, for their knowledge, it shows that they understand leftover and this is good for catering up the government's policies which are related to reduce food waste. This also helps for reducing food waste in the long term. Thirdly, after joining the campaign, their behaviors have improved and they have done more for reducing and avoiding the food waste. In conclusion, the campaign works for students to reduce food waste directly or in the long term.

5. Reflection

In this study, I have done a lot of research for this title. There is a bunch of related information and I learnt that I need to select the useful information carefully and organize it. Besides, I have better understanding on the campaign’s content and aware that Hong Kong is at risk due to increasing quantity food waste and the landfill will no longer be full. It inspires my environmental awareness. When I face difficulties, I would ask teacher and classmates for advice. And I notice that the communication is important and I should accept other people right advice to improve my fault.

Besides, I have gained much knowledge about how to reduce and avoid food waste and use into my daily life. Although my contributions for reducing and avoiding food waste are tiny, they actually make things or the issue better. So, I want to encourage more and more people to join the campaign for reducing food waste.

(2304 words)

6. Bibliography


1. http://www.foodwisehk.gov.hk/zh-hk/food-wise-charter.php#introduction

2. http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/msw/htm_tc/ch02/main.htm



1. Educational review Vol.35 高等教育出版https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=lE9gBAAAQBAJ&pg=PP8&lpg=PP8&dq=教育學刊+educational+review+Vol.35&source=bl&ots=4ez7xtjk3C&sig=BmlRrgmovS_rV4SPaOM5Muk-ZCs&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ei=v7-TVbWBC4bImAXf6q_wCQ&ved=0CBsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=教育學刊 educational review Vol.35&f=false



Interview transcript: (with a teacher)



Mode of interview: personal interview

What activity do you think is the most successful which hold by the campaign for students?

I think the 'Sign the Food Wise Charter' is the most successful activity. It is because most of the students in school signed this charter. Their reaction to this event is quite good. It shows that they would commit and support to do something for reducing the food waste.

What students gained from the campaign?

I think students can build up a sense of awareness on environmental issue and gain more knowledge on reducing and avoiding the Food waste.

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