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留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写,英文论文Persuasive Essay topics精选

我们时常会听到身边的留学生朋友在埋怨着persuasive essay写作的艰难,就犹如二张和尚摸不着头脑一样完成构思不出写作的思路,想要寻找到一个恰当的essay论证观点和论据,这就需要我们掌握一定的essay写作技巧,那么留学生英文论文作业Persuasive Essay要怎么写才能高分呢?今天就让我来为各位详细的讲解下,并附上了Persuasive Essay topics希望对各位有所帮助。

留学,Persuasive Essay怎么写,Persuasive Essay,Persuasive Essay topics

留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:一、寻找一个适合的观点

优秀的persuasive essay首先要有个好观点——这与其它论文其实差不多,都要有自己的论点。当然,开始写作之前,你得有一个靠谱的观点,这将是你整篇文章的基础。因此你需要注意:


2.话题要有一定的深度和复杂性。你可以对如何选择蛋糕感兴趣,但是关于蛋糕真没有什么可以写。所以要选一个既让你感兴趣,又有一定深度的话题,比如动物实验或者流浪汉处理正常,这类话题比较适合写persuasive essay。在文章最后为大家搜集了一些persuasive essay topic,大家可以酌情思考一下该怎么下,不是说要真写出来,起码应该有一个写作思路,如果下次遇到了是不是就可以很好的写出来了呢?

3.学会逆向思维。对于某件事越是有争议,而且你又有足够的理由支持你自己观点,那么你所选的话题比较适合的,而且观点是比较符合persuasive essay写作要求的。另一方面,如果反对你观点的理由数不胜数,而你自己无法有效反驳,那么你可能需要选择稍微容易的话题。

留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:二、写好persuasive essay的第一段。


1.学会制造噱头。噱头就是全文的第一句,往往用于吸引读者兴趣。噱头可以是一个问题、一段引文、一个事实、一段轶事、一个定义或者一段诙谐的白描,造噱头的目的就是要刺激读者继续阅读的欲望,或者是埋下伏笔,吸引 读者继续往下读的兴趣。


留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:三、定下文章主体部分的结构。



留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:四、主体部分每段末尾都要有过渡句。



留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:五、反驳与抗辩。

persuasive essay不一定要包含反驳与抗辩,但它们可以使文章更有力度。想象一个和你争辩的人,想想对方最有力的论据是什么?然后再想出抗辩来反驳。


留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:六、写作结尾段。


留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:七、最后一步就是校对和修改。


留学生论文作业Persuasive Essay怎么写:八、persuasive essay topics

1. Should animals be used for scientific and medical research?

2. Do we need privately run prisons?

3. Should the death penalty be mandatory for all murderers, or should they spend the rest of their lis in prison?

4. Do we have the right to exhume bodies of prominent people and move them from one place to another?

5. Should Russians finally bury Lenin?

6. Better naked, than in furs? Where’s the line in protecting the animal rights?

7. Was Saddam Hussein’s execution an essential point in establishing democracy in Iraq?

8. Should men be allowed to have more than one wife?

9. Plastic surgery: a way to promote beauty or destroy it?

10. In some Asian countries cutting off thief’s right hand is still commonly practiced. Do you think this is the best way out?

11. Talk about major issues (abortion, Iraq, Afghanistan, marijuana legalization, etc).

12. Say why talking about main issues ( abortion, Iraq, Afghanistan, marijuana legalization, etc) all the time not only lessens their importance, but even evokes irritation.

13. How atheists and religious people should find tolerance to each other?

14. Was the “sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll” era significant, or not?

15. Prove that free bagels with sour cream stimulate brain activity.

16. A maniac killed 15 little girls and was sentenced to death. One of the local TV stations was asked by the parents of victims to show his execution. The channel gave its agreement, but the translation was later cancelled. Give your opinion on this situation.

17. Vegetarians vs. Meateaters. Whose side are you on? Support your argument.

18. Why talking about sex is OK, but talking about cheating is embarrassing?

19. Do you agree that there is art for the masses, and elite culture? How do you feel about being “the mass”? Or do you consider youurself to be a part of the elites in this regard?

20. If you are not in “the mass”, what do you think about The Black Square by Kazimir Malevich?

21. Do you want to have a cosmetic surgery? Why and why not?

22. Is it important to talk openly about the contraception?

23. Which country has the prettiest girls?

24. Prove that blondes are actually smart.

25. The international image of the USA has been negatively affected by numerous wars. Do you agree with this statement?

26. There is an opinion that DAEWOO’s are not cars at all. Are they?

27. What do you think about gay marriage?

28. Why driving is permitted from the age of 16, and gambling – from the age of 21? And at the same time – shooting in porn movies permitted from the age of 18: is this right?

29. Is it helpful to be skeptical towards anything?

30. What do you think about the negative public opinion on thongs and bra straps?

由此看来留学生英文论文作业Persuasive Essay也并不是很难写,首先选好一个适合的主题是非常关键的,在围绕着这个主题来作为整篇论文的基础,对于主题的描写最好时候体现出具有一定的深度,这样才能够让论文的写作能有更深层次的拓展,并且要学会去制造噱头,这样能顾更好地吸引读者的兴趣,让读者有着继续阅读下次去的兴趣。-xz

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