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Dissertation Methodology怎么写,留学生Dissertation Methodology写作技巧辅导

在国外严谨的大学教学方式里,想要成功的完成学业获得相应的学位证书,那么我们就离不开thesis或者是dissertation methodology的写作,我们一般也将dissertation methodology称为研究方法,有许多的留学生在最初都不知道dissertation methodology该怎么去写,其实在我们的methodology的最主要作用就是通过阐述资料的收集来增加论文观点的说服力和可信服,下面就让我来为各位讲解下Dissertation Methodology的写作技巧吧。

留学,Dissertation Methodology怎么写,Dissertation Methodology,Methodology怎么写

ethodology部分是dissertation(thesis)或者research paper最重要部分,因为这个章节,你要告诉读者你是如何写进行研究的以及又是如何通过研究得出结论的,从而增强文章观点的说服力。在methodology这个部分,你需要说明你为写这篇文章是如何进行数据和资料搜集的,以及搜集资料技术和方法。这意味着你需要对你进行的调查、数据发掘、采访及你所进行的实验进行解释。你还必须说明你搜集资料运用的一些方法是可行的,这样目的也是为了增加读者对于论文的可信程度。

一般而言,methodology在写作之前,导师都会进行指导,不过我们仍然为大家准备了Dissertation Methodology写作的10个技巧,相信这些对您有所帮助。

1. Problem. The methodology typically follows your literature review, so for the purposes of clarity and regaining focus it is useful briefly to recap the central research questions of your dissertation. Define and explain the problems which you seek to address.

2. Approach. Give an overview of your approach to primary research in order to guide the reader and contextualise your methodology. By identifying all methodological aspects to which to will attend – rationale, justification, sampling issues, etc. – you can signal unambiguously to the reader that you fully understand the implications of thorough, astute methodology.

3. Reproducibility. The ability to reproduce the results of an experiment is a hallmark of proper scientific method; in the humanities also, reproducibility indicates greater credibility and usefulness. Provide a detailed description of your techniques, such that those wishing to challenge your position could, if they wished, reproduce the same research.

4. Precedence. Consider whether your research methodology is typical of comparable research projects within your particular subject area. A review of the relevant literature will doubtless find some comparable endeavours, in which case the adoption of those methodologies may lend authority to your approach.

5. Justification. It is absolutely essential that you provide sound reasons for the methods your have chosen to conduct your research. This aspect is particularly important when adopting a novel or non-standard methodology. Approaches at odds with comparable endeavours require considerable rigorous justification.

6. Rationale. No matter what type of research, there is almost always a number of methodological approaches available. In your rationale, critically evaluate alternate approaches in order to defend the methods you have finally chosen. Weigh up the pros and cons of all relevant alternatives, including your own choice.

7. Reliability and validity. Essential considerations in all types of research, issues of reliability and validity must be explicitly discussed. Many matters fall under this area, including accuracy, precision, sources of error and statistical significance.

8. Sampling. Questions concerning sampling techniques and sample size can be considered under reliability and validity, but are often important enough to be given special attention. The impact of sample size upon statistical significance of your results is an issue of such importance that you should be mindful of this when designing and writing up your methodology.

9. Appendix. Keep your methodology chapter focussed and lucidly written by appending indirectly relevant material to the end of your dissertation. Copies of questionnaires and other methodological material should usually be placed in the appendix.

10. Generalisation. Include a section in your methodology which directly addresses the question of how far data obtained through your approach can be generalised. Bear this issue in mind when designing your methodology too, as results with general significance outside of your direct data set will tend to increase the persuasiveness of your eventual findings.

通过了以上关于Dissertation Methodology的这十点写作技巧的辅导后,各位是否也都清楚了Methodology该怎么去写了吗,我们只要强调一点,那就是Methodology的写作就是通过过程的写作来提高读者认为的可以程度,这就需要我们花费时间去对数据以及相应的资料进行整理,并且说明出来。


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