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Area of the brain


The Broca's Area: An In-depth Look

The purpose of this paper is to educate the reader on the general location and function of The Broca's area within the brain, as well as, specific details about its function, neurology, impairment, and relevant research. This paper will take an in-depth look at the function of the Broca's area by defining relevant terminology and people involved, how it interacts with other areas of the brain on a behavioral level, how impairment to this area with effect the individual and recent research and case studies highlighting this area of the brain.

In general, the Broca's area can be found in the posterior inferior frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere in the frontal lobe of the brain, which Paul Broca identified as crucial for speech production (Keller, Crow, Foundas, Amunts and Roberts, 2009). However, Keller et al (2009), states that over the past 100 years of study, it has been shown that there is non-uniformity in the definition of sub-cortical regions fall into the Broca's area. These other areas will be discussed later in the paper as they relate to interconnection with other areas of the brain. Specifically, it has been found that the Broca's area is consistently located anterior to the inferior precentral sulcus and ventral to the inferior frontal sulcus, even though fMRI scans show great variability in humans as to its precise cortical location in Brodmann's areas 44 (pars opercularis) and 45 (pars triangularis) (Schenker et al, 2009). There is some research suggesting that the leftward lateralization of Brodmann's areas 44 and 45 are not consistent in chimpanzees or in humans (Schenker et al, 2009 and Keller et al, 2009). However, the general location and function is largely agreed upon.

Several different surrounding areas of the brain are related to and communicate with the Broca's area. According to Keller et al. (2009), areas such as the anterior parietal regions, the insula, and many other cortical and sub-cortical regions of several lobes in the brain can contribute to Broca's aphasia. For this reason, it is widely thought that while the Broca's area is important for speech production, it is critical to look at the surrounding areas of the brain to properly understand the effects of aphasia. Paul Broca, born in France in 1824 and studying in the fields of anatomy, anthropology and surgery, identified this area of the brain as crucial for speech production while observing two patients of his, Leborgne and Lelong. Both of the individuals had severe impairment in their ability to produce speech but still had other normal functioning. This impairment became known as Broca's aphasia. Interestingly, Penke and Westermann (2006) found that there is phonological production differences associated with different languages. They found that while an English speaking person would have a deficit with producing a regular inflection word, German and Dutch speaking persons would have a deficit with producing an irregular inflection word. Their data suggests that some impairment in the Broca's area do not translate across all languages. They propose that this problem is due to the different phonetic complexity in the languages.


Keller, S., Crow, T., Foundas, A., Amunts, K., & Roberts, N. (2009). Broca's Area: Nomenclature, Anatomy, Typology and Asymmetry. Brain & Language. 109, 29-48.

Penke, M., and Westermann, G. (2006). Broca's Area and Inflectional Morphology: Evidence From Broca's Aphasia and Computer Modeling. Cortex. 42, 563-576.

Schenker, N., Hopkins, W., Spocter, M. A., Garrison, A., Stimpson, C. D., Erwin, J. M., Hof, P. R., & Serwood, C. C. (2010). Broca's Area Homologue in Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes): Probabilistic Mapping, Asymmetry, and Comparison to Humans. Cerebral Cortex. March. 20, 730-742.

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