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Hadoop MapReduce Enhancement through Improved Augmented Algorithm


Hadoop MapReduce Enhancement through Improved Augmented Algorithm

Abstract: The MapReduce model is implemented by using open-source software of Hadoop. A number of issues to achieve the best performance faced by Hadoop. A serialization barrier requires to achieve the best performance which delays the phase. Repetitive merges and disk access leads to leverage latest high speed interconnects. With increasing volume of datasets, an acceleration framework of Hadoop-A optimizes Hadoop to keep updates. To overcome the problem of repetition and disk access, a novel algorithm to merge data introduced in this paper. A full-pipeline is also designed to overlap the shuffle, merge and reduce the phases. The disk access from the intermediate data efficiently reduced an the data movement also increased by proposed Hadoop-A.

Key Terms: Hadoop , MapReduce, Hadoop-A

algorithm, Pipeline algorithm, cloud computing


ORGANIZATIONS processes large amount data requires massive computation for extracting critical knowledge by MAPREDUCE technique. MAPREDUCE is an easy programming model for cloud computing [1]. Hadoop [2], currently maintained by the Apache Foundation and supported by leading IT companies such as Facebook and Yahoo!, is an open source software framework implementation of MapReduce.

The implementation of MapReduce framework is implemented by Hadoop in two types of components: They are Job Tracker and TaskTrackers. The Job Tracker monitors the tasktrackers by providing commands to it. The commands received by Task Trackers and process the data in parallel through two main functions. They are map and reduce functions. The scheduling process of reduce tasks to TaskTrackers is done by JobTracker. Between the two phases [3], a ReduceTask needs to fetch a part of the intermediate output from all finished MapTasks. This leads to the shuffling of intermediate data in segments from all MapTasks to all ReduceTasks. For many data-intensive MapReduce programs, data shuffling can lead to a significant number of disk operations, contending for the limited I/O bandwidth. This presents a severe problem of disk I/O contention in MapReduce programs.

Several algorithms are used out to improve the performance of Hadoop MapReduce framework. Condie et al. [4] opened up direct network channels between MapTasks and Reducetasks by using MapReduce Online architecture and the delivery of data is improved. It remains as a critical issue to examine the relationship of Hadoop MapReduce‟s three data processing phases, i.e., shuffle, merge, and reduce and their implication to the efficiency of Hadoop.

To ensure the correctness of MapReduce, no ReduceTasks can start reducing data until all intermediate data have been merged together. This results in a serialization barrier that significantly delays the reduce operation of ReduceTasks. More importantly, the current merge algorithm in Hadoop merges intermediate data segments from MapTasks when the number of available segments including those that are already merged goes over a threshold. These segments are spilled to local disk storage [5] when their total size is bigger than the available memory. The algorithm causes data segments to be merged repetitively and, therefore, multiple rounds of disk accesses of the same data.

To address these critical issues for Hadoop MapReduce framework,Hadoop-A has been designed for performance enhancement and protocol optimizations. Several enhancements are introduced:

1) a novel algorithm that enables ReduceTasks to perform data merging without repetitive merges and extra disk accesses;

To overlap the shuffle, merge, and reduce phases for ReduceTasks, full pipeline is designed. The evaluation demonstrates that the algorithm is able to remove the serialization barrier and effectively overlap data merge and reduce operations for Hadoop ReduceTasks. Overall, Hadoop-A is able to double the throughput of Hadoop data processing.


MapReduce is a programming model for large-scale arbitrary data processing. Ranger et al [6] utilized the advantage of evolution of multi core and multiprocessor systems to design Phoenix for shared-memory systems. In Phoenix, users writes simple parallel code for dynamic scheduling and partitioning of data without considering the complexity of thread creation.

Kaashoek et al [7] then used the composite structure for a new MapReduce library, which outperforms its simpler peers, including Phoenix.

Tiled-MapReduce designed by Chen et al [8] further improves the Phoenix by leveraging the tiling strategy that is commonly used in complier community. It divides a large MapReduce job into multiple discrete subjobs and extends the Reduce phase to process partial map output.

Hadoop‟s MapReduce implementation enables a convenient and easy-to-use data processing framework. The characterization and analysis reveal a number of issues, including two functions. They were serialization and disk access. 1) The serialization Hadoop shuffle/merge and reduce phases are serialized in serialization, 2) repetitive merges and disk access. In this section, it provides an overview of the Hadoop MapReduce framework [9].

By meticulously reusing memory and threads, Tiled-MapReduce achieves considerable speed up over Phoenix. But our work is completely different from these works in three aspects. First, it aims to improve the Hadoop MapReduce that is designed for largescale clusters instead of for single machine with multicores. Second, our optimization strategy is to reduce the contention over disk I/O instead of cache and shared data structures.


A key feature of the Hadoop MapReduce framework is its pipelined data processing. As shown in Fig 1 Hadoop contains three execution phases. They are map, shuffle/merge, and reduce. First, the JobTracker receives user job and divides the input set into data splits. User data is organized as many records of <key,val> pairs in each split. The running and scheduling of map function includes the number of TaskTrackers selected by JobTracker. Each TaskTracker provides several MapTasks each split. The conversion form original records into intermediate results is carried out by using mapping function. The intermediate results are termed as data records in the form of <key‟,val‟> pairs. The received data records are stored in MOF (Map Output File), one for each split of data. A MOF is organized into many data partitions, one per ReduceTask. Each data partition contains a set of data records. When a MapTask completes one data split, it is rescheduled to process the next split. Second, the JobTrackers selects a set of TaskTrackers using available MOFs to run the ReduceTasks. TaskTrackers spawns several concurrent ReduceTasks.

Fig. 1 Hadoop MapReduce Framework

Each ReduceTask initiates the process by fetching a partition intended for ReduceTask from a MOF termed as segment. A segment in each MOF used for every ReduceTask hence, ReduceTask needs fetches such segments from all MOFs. Fetch operations lead to an all-to-all shuffle of data segments among all the ReduceTasks. While the data segments are being shuffled, they are also merged based on the order of keys in the data records. As more remote segments are fetched and merged locally, a ReduceTask has to spill, i.e., store, some segments to local disks in order to alleviate memory pressure. The copy phase in Hadoop is shuffling and merging of data segments into ReduceTasks. It is also commonly referred as the shuffle/merge phase.

Finally, each ReduceTask loads and processes the merged segments using the reduce function. The final result is then stored to Hadoop Distributed File System [10] .

Problem Identification:

• MapReduce results in Serialization barrier

• Delays the reduce phase

• Repetitive merge

•Multiple rounds of disk accesses of the same data


Hadoop reach to pipeline the data processing. It is indeed able to do so, particularly for map and shuffle/merge phases. After a brief initialization period, a pool of concurrent MapTasks starts the map function on the first set of data splits. As soon as Map Output Files (MOFs) are generated from these splits, a pool of ReduceTasks starts to fetch partitions from these MOFs. At each ReduceTask, when the number of segments is larger than a threshold, or when their total data size is more than a memory threshold, the smallest segments are merged. For the correctness of the MapReduce programming model, it is necessary to ensure that the reduce phase does not start until the map phase is done for all data splits. However, the pipeline contains an implicit serialization. At each ReduceTask, only until all its segments are available and merged, will the reduce phase start to process data segments [11] via the reduce function. This essentially enforce a serialization between the shuffle/merge phase and the reduce phase. When there are many segments to process it takes a significant amount of time for a Reduce Task to shuffle and merge them. As a result, the reduce phase will be significantly delayed. The analysis has revealed that this can increase the total execution.


Hadoop ReduceTasks merge data segments when the number of segments or their total size goes over a threshold. A newly merged segment has to be spilled to local disks due to memory pressure. However, the current merge algorithm in Hadoop often leads to repetitive merges, thus extra disk access. It uses a very small threshold parameter. A ReduceTask fetches its data segments and arranges them in the order of their size. When the number of data segments reaches threshold the smallest three segments are merged. Under memory pressure, this will incur disk access. The resulting segment is inserted back into the heap based on its relative size.

When more segments arrive the threshold is reached again. It is then necessary to merge another set of segments . This again causes additional disk access, let alone the need to read segments back if they have been stored on local disks. As even more segments arrive, a previously merged segment will be grouped into another set and merged again. Altogether, this means repetitive merges and disk access, causing degraded performance for Hadoop.

Fig. 2 Header Fetching

Therefore, an alternative merge algorithm is critical for Hadoop to mitigate the impact of repetitive merges and extra disk accesses.

1. As shown in Fig 2. three remote segments S1, S2, and S3 are to be fetched and merged.

Instead of fetching them to local disks, new algorithm only fetches a small header from each segment. Each header is especially constructed to contain partition length, offset, and the first pair of <key,val>.

These <key,val> pairs are sufficient to construct a priority queue (PQ) to organize these segments. More records after the first <key,val> pair can be fetched as allowed by the available memory. Because it fetches only a small amount of data per segment, this algorithm does not have to store or merge segments onto local disks. relocated accordingly. Concurrent data fetching and merging continues until all records are merged. All

<key,val> records are merged exactly once and stored as part of the merged results.

2. Instead of merging segments when the number of segments is over a threshold, it keeps building up the PQ until all headers arrive and are integrated.

As soon as the PQ has been set up, the merge phase starts. The leading <key,val> pair will be the beginning point of merge operations for individual segments as shown in Fig. 3.

3. The algorithm merges the available <key,val> pairs in the same way as is done in Hadoop. When the PQ is completely established, the root of the PQ is the first <key,val> pair among all segments.

It extracts the root pair as the first <key,val> in the final merged data. Then, It updates the order of PQ based on the first <key,val> pairs of all segments. The next root will be the first <key,val> among all remaining segments. It will be extracted again and stored to the final merged data. When the available data records in a segment are depleted, the algorithm can fetch the next set of records to resume the merge operation. In fact, the algorithm always ensures that the fetching of upcoming records happens concurrently with the merging of available records

As shown in Fig. 4, the headers of all three segments are safely merged; more data records are fetched, and the merge points are

4. Fig. 5 shows a possible state of the three segments when their merge complete. Since the merge data have the final order for all records, it can safely deliver the available data to the ReduceTask where it is then consumed by the reduce function.


To address both the issues in Hadoop as mentioned, the algorithm has been described that avoids repeated merges and then details the construction of a new pipeline to eliminate the serialization barrier.


Hadoop appeal to repetitive merges because of limited memory compared to the size of data. For each remotely completed MOF, each ReduceTask invokes request to query the partition length, pull the entire data, and store locally in memory or on disk. This incurs many memory loads/stores and/or disk I/O operations.

The algorithm has been designed that can merge all data partitions exactly once and, at the same time, stay levitated above local disks. The key idea is to leave data on remote disks until it is time to merge the intended data records.


Besides avoiding repetitive merges, the algorithm removes the serialization barrier between merge and reduce. As described earlier, the merged data have <key,val> pairs ordered in their final order and can be delivered to the ReduceTask as soon as they are available. Thus, the reduce phase no longer has to wait until the end of the merge phase.

In view of the possibility to closely couple the shuffle, merge, and reduce phases, they can form a full pipeline as shown in Fig. 6.


1. In this pipeline, MapTasks map data split as soon as they can. When the first MOF is available, ReduceTasks fetch the headers and build up the PQ.

2. These activities are pipelined. Header fetching and PQ setup are pipelined and overlapped with the map function, but they are very lightweight, compared to shuffle and merge operations.

3. As soon as the last MOF is available, completed PQs are constructed. The full pipeline of shuffle, merge and reduce then starts.


•Hadoop-A enables ReduceTask to perform data merging without repetitive merges

• It is concern to no extra disk accesses

•Overlapping shuffle, merge and reduce phases for ReduceTask

•The data movement and throughput is improved by using Hadoop-A. One may notice that there is still a serialization between the availability of the last MOF and the beginning of this pipeline. This is inevitable in order for Hadoop to conform to the correctness of the MapReduce programming model. Simply stated, before all <key,val> pairs are available, it is erroneous to send any <key,val> pair to the reduce function (for final results) because its relative order with future <key,val> pairs is yet to be decided. Therefore, our pipeline is able to shuffle, merge, and reduce data records as soon as all MOFs are available. This eliminates the previous serialization barrier in Hadoop and allows intermediate results to be reduced as soon as possible for final results.

System Architecture:


Hadoop TeraSort and WordCount programs with different data sizes and numbers of slave nodes are run. It chooses the data size per split as 256MB. Each slave has 8 MapTasks and 4 ReduceTasks. The performance shows comparison between Hadoop-A and Hadoop for TeraSort and WordCount programs.

The performance evaluation of Map and Reduce Tasks is estimated as percentage of completion for with respect to the progress of time during execution. Hadoop -A increases the total execution time of TeraSort program by 47% compared to Hadoop Framework. The small size of intermediate data and data movement in Hadoop-A leads to less benefit inWordCount. Using Hadoop –A, MapTasks of TeraSort completed much faster, when the percentage of completion goes over 50%. Hadoop- A performed light weight operations in MapTasks. They are fetching headers and setting up PQ. Hence, resources such as disk bandwidth for MapTasks are left. After the data merging is over, Hadoop reports the progress of ReduceTasks. The reporting process also implemented in Hadoop-A. The progress of ReduceTasks is slow since Hadoop-A waits until the completion of last MOF. The percentage jumps quickly for TeraSort and WordCount, respectively followed by reporting process in Hadoop- A.



The design and architecture of Hadoop‟s MapReduce framework in great detail has been examined. Particularly, the analysis has been focused on data processing inside ReduceTasks. It reveals that there are several critical issues faced by the existing Hadoop implementation, including its merge algorithm, its pipeline of shuffle, merge, and reduce phases. Hadoop-A has been designed and implemented as an extensible acceleration framework, and evaluated algorithm that can merge data without touching disks and designing a full pipeline of shuffle, merge, and reduce phases for ReduceTasks, It has been successfully accomplished an accelerated Hadoop framework, Hadoop-A. Because of the use of evaluated algorithm, it can significantly reduce disk accesses during Hadoop‟s shuffling and merging phases, thereby speeding up data movement

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