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Rice Production and Sustainability


Journal Review

Rice Production and Sustainability


People are deserved to eat for survive and food is major aspect used to consume people. Therefore, rice has been identified as staple food that consumed by people around the world according to high amount of energy compared to other cereal crops. Rice production that also include in food production is a base for food security. As population of people keep increasing, the food production also has to be increased. In order to meets people demanding on their dietary needs for an active and healthy life, sustainable in rice production is very significant to being adequate for future generation without endangering potential for people in the future to meet their needs.


Rice is major food for about half of the world’s people and almost 90% of rice is consumed by people in Asia where the largest community that eat rice as their basic food. To increase the rice production with sustainability is difficult for ensuring food security. The food security has been highlighted on three main factors that need to be considered which are affordability, ability and accessibility. To fulfill the requirement in food security, the rice production has to face big challenges for sustainability. In the other hand, sustainability in rice production is depending on ability of ecology to continuously render its services which including utilization of land and water resources. This is important correlation of efficiency and sustainability in maintaining higher level of rice productivity which use the available resources to maximizing the returns.

In this context, the efficiency and sustainability in rice production can be categorized under farm management that will be systematically organized. In addition, it is related to the economic, the size of farm, adaptation of technology, and all level of inputs usage in agriculture industry. Besides that, sustained yield of rice among all the community around the world will guarantee adequate production while sustained economic could enhance the technology adaptation over the time and these turn in food security. Food security and nutritional adequacy are important indicators of a stable and sustainable farming household and must be the major feature in any attempt to evaluate success.

Meanwhile, in order to reduce the impacts on environmental strain, many cultivation practices which process of develop quality by adoption from some technically skill have been improved. The negative effects due to climate changes bring this problem to new formulated solution by Farmers’ Association Federation for Agricultural Development. The organization introduced a new farming practice which known as ‘System of Rice Intensification’ (SRI) that would help smallholder farmers maximize their yields by follow the regulation of transplanting young seedlings whereas this technique will reduce cost efficiency. Today, more than 17,000 farmers in Cambodia are using the SRI technique in their farming. Other factor such as expansion of land by cutting down trees is not a part of sustainable in rice production. This activity is more towards environment pollutant that give big impact on existing life. In further approaches need to be taken to avoid the natural outcomes eliminated for other interest.

Furthermore, sustainable in rice production assist the environment from being threatens even producing high volume of production. Another approaches for sustainable rice production system is through fertilizer, crop rotation, pest control and diversification. The entire crop residue such as rice straws can be used into lowland rice soil enhanced soil biodiversity as has been incorporated in traditional practices. Besides that, a practice of crop rotation by planting rice with two varieties of rice in every year also can be implemented within the same land. Other than that, by using biological control to avoid pest with naturally technique could be simultaneously increasing the rice production. Integrated farming is kind of diversification which has potential between components that able to reduce cost, labor, and also could increase the productivity. An example is rice bran use as feeds for fish and pigs; and animal manures as a source of fertilizers.


As conclusion, rice production has to be increase as long as number of people population keeps rising day by day. Despite recent progress in the production of cereals and in the ability of the world to produce enough food to meet everyone’s food needs, the world food situation is constrained by crises and by considerable arrears of hunger and malnutrition. Therefore, the alternative to avoid food insecurity need to be taken sustainability which the consumption on rice will be increase without endangering the future needs that comprises environment and its living things.


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