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汉密尔顿中学assignment代写 论文代写


  Hamilton Secondary College is a medium-sized high school (years 8 to 12) co-located with the Hamilton Adult Learning Centre. The College is served by an excellent transport corridor with ready access to train, bus and major roads. Students mainly come from local suburbs but in an increasing number of cases, travel from further a-field.

  Our learning programs are enriched by Hamilton's state-of-the art facilities such as the Advanced Technology Trade Training Centre, the Hospitality Skills Centre, and the Visual Arts and Multimedia Centres.

  Effective pathways

  Our College teaches more than 40 SACE-accredited Year 12 subjects. This guarantees academic pathways (including Specialist Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics) for those with university entrance in mind.

  The College also teaches 14 complete Vocational Certificates, and 5 of these are currently available to secondary students:

  Advanced Manufacturing

  Creative Arts



  Technology Sport and Recreation.

  Hamilton is the administration centre for the Inner South Metro Trade Schools for the Future which services the needs of students across the region who are interested in obtaining a School-based Apprenticeship.


  1. Policy Statement:

  Hamilton Secondary College is a safe, fair and supportive school. At this school the risks from all types of harm are minimised, diversity is valued and all members of the school community feel respected. Students can be confident that they will receive support in the face of any threats to their safety or wellbeing.

  2. Purpose

  The purpose of this policy is to provide the school community with an overview of responsibilities on how to minimise threats and promote safety of individuals in the school.

  3. Responsibilities

  Teachers will:

  distribute the harassment and bullying pamphlets include in the curriculum how to recognise abuse and how students can protect themselves. Teach about respectful relationships (bullying and cyber-bullying are relationship issues and require relationship focussed solutions)

  commit to appropriate training and development in relation to all forms of harassment and bullying

  be familiar with Protective Practices document (DECD)

  act on any report they receive from a student re bullying or harassment

  provide help and advice if the bullying or harassment continues, then report to relevant Student Support Management Team members

  document all evidence - a vital requirement if further action needs to be taken. All documentation should be placed in student files and the student behaviour management data base.

  Students will:

  receive a copy of the harassment and bullying policy.

  understand that harassment is any deliberate behaviour that causes any person to feel embarrassed,uncomfortable and/or upset

  ensure that they choose not to prevent other students from learning or teachers from teaching

  choose the actions they take which should be based on mutual respect and ownership of their behaviour

  report any harassment/bullying to any staff member they feel comfortable with

  use the grievance procedures to work through the issues

  Parents will:

  receive a copy of the brochure bullying and Harassment at School??advice for parents and caregivers (DECD)

  inform the school about issues related to bullying or harassment. The first contact should be the Care Group teacher or Year Level Manager

  keep in touch with the school and let the staff know if problems continue

  work with the school to determine how they can best assist their child and the school to stop the bullying or harassment from happening.

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